
Does It Matter?

Michael Jackson Diptych
Acrylic on canvas
December 2009
40" x 70"


Molten Love

Wax on canvas
July 2010 

Everything I Have Ever Painted

Dried Acrylic paint scrapings on canvas
June 2010

Representing Music

Compact Disc
June 2010

Reproduction: Starry Night on the Rhone

Oil on canvas
September 2009
Vincent Van Gogh reproduction 

Rain Shadows

Acrylic on canvas
October 2009

Waterfall II

Acrylic on canvas
December 2009 

Waterfall I

Acrylic and Fine Fluid Acyrlic paint on canvas
December 2009 

Still-Life with Wine Bottles

Oil on canvas
In-class assignment, 3 hours
November 2009

Indigo Kids Mural

Commissioned by Chapters Bookstore, Kitchener, ON as they perform store renovations for the Children's section (4 hrs to complete).

House paint on dry-wall
May 2010 

Equality, A Photographic Series

The history between Caucasian and African-American individuals is a strong one, and also a sensitive topic to cover in artwork. I used black and white photography to portray two individuals representing the long and hard merge into equality that these races had to face. 

Black and White Film Photography
April 2010 

Political Statement Series

My struggle to create messages through my artwork has continued into my studies at the University of Guelph. Here, I have announced my frustration with creating such works and the difficulty to project such messages. 

Installation for Extended Practices critique
April 2010
Acrylic on canvas