Vanessa Tignanelli is a freelance documentary photographer whose work explores significant social and spiritual themes. Born in North Bay, Ontario, Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Fine Art in Specialized Studio Art at the University of Guelph. Since her graduation in 2012 she has worked as Associate Editor & Photojournalist for snapd Guelph, Photo & Graphics Editor and Office Manager for The Ontarion Independent Newspaper, while operating her own event photography business in Guelph, Ontario.
In her admiration of the unrestrained spirit, Vanessa has committed herself to exploring individuals who emulate spiritual freedom, vulnerability and self-awareness. Growing up in a time when technology has hindered our ability to appreciate the moment, a generational wave to escape the errors of the 21st century has ensued. These adventurers flee both physically and spiritually from urban society, escapists in their search to live steadily within the moment. Finding the music scene to be littered with these individuals, Vanessa has photographed hundreds of concerts and music festivals in her exploration of escapism.
This is wonderful! Absolutely LOVE it.